
Inaugural Team

Class of 1993-1997

Coaches: Robert Fong, Jamie King, Shawn King
Warlords: Chris Lee, Jason Fanner, Eugene Booker, Kevin Chu, Michael Chu, Frank Clary, Philip Cordero, Chris DeGrande, Garrett Dong, Victor Escalante, Anthony Fong, Geof Fong, Kiyoshi Gamble, Brian Gonzalez, Phat Griang, Albert Hwang, Aaron Jang, Jay Jimeno, Mike Kawasaki, Anthony Kwong, Mark Kwong, Davis Lee, Adam Lim, Bobby Lim, Danny Lo, Michael Louie, Scott Miura, Steven Mac, Derek Nakamura, Dennis Ng, Steven Ong, Greg Pacheco, Steve Park, Nick Plaza, Rubin Plaza, Joaquin Pons, Senh Saelee, Brian Stoddard, Scott Sugimoto, Davis Takata, Craig Takehara, Andrew Tan, Aaron Tom, Nick Whitehead, Ryan Wong, Kevin Yamamoto, Robert Yamamoto, Derick Yee, Jimmy Yu, Andrew Yue
Coaches: Christine Hashigami, Brandon Yung, Eric Yung
Lady Warlords: Nicole Harada, Michelle Lee, Robyn Inaba, Heather Sunahara, Lisa Ishimaru, Lisa Fong, Doreen Yee, Jaime Lai, Julie Dong, Aubrie Yee, Mica Barajas, Kyleen Bell, Julie Chong, Kim Chang, Kimi Ota, Summer Nishio, Stephanie Kuroko, Kristine Okino, Hatsumi Yamamoto, Kimi Yoshizawa

97-98 boys

Class of 1998

Coaches: Steve Box, Jaime King, Ray Lee, Phil Leong
Warlords: Hau Cam, Malcolm Floyd, Chris Hasegawa, Jon Hashimoto, Joseph Ip, Paul Ip, Freeman Keophet, Jay Kubo, Cody Lee, Garrett Lee, Mike Fong, Mike Lim, Tomas Montoya, Jason Poon, Binh Triuh, Kawika White, Danny Yu
Coaches: Stacy Kawahara, Janel Morinaga
Lady Warlords: Carrie Chan, Christina Chin, Kimberly Cotton, Kimmie Fong, Olivia Galang, Keiko Gamble, Rhea Hao, Kristen Kawada, Stephanie Kuroda, Jennifer Lee, Kalaine Lee, Michelle Lum, Nicole Matsuura, Kellie Morioka, Kristina Ow, Courtney Sugioka


Class of 1999 Boys

Coaches: Tommy Fanner, James Fong
Warlords: Darrell Fong, Branden Harrell, Justin Ito, Derek Huey, Jeff Kobashi, Kevin Kong, Matthew Lum, Loren Taing, Leng Ung, Derek Young, Anthony Williams, Jevon Williams


Class of 1999 Girls

Coach: Steve Matsuura
Lady Warlords: Mariko Barajas, Lisa Chan, Adele Din, Kerri Fong, Mari Low, Selina Lu, Michelle Nishimura, Dailee Nishio, Mika Toyooka, Kelly Yoshizawa

00 boys

Class of 2000 Boys

Coaches: Janel Morinaga, Stacy Kawahara
Warlords: Daryl Chan, Shawn Dacumas, Pila Fatukala, Benjamin Feliciano, Justin Gaters, Brian Lim, Raymond Tjen-A-Looi, Ryan Matsumoto, Tuan Nguyen, Chinn Pham, Daniel Seto, Alton To, Brandon Tom

00 girls

Class of 2000 Girls

Coach: Shawn King
Lady Warlords: Jill Chapman, Lesley Chu, Angela Fong, Leanne Fong, Lynsie Ishimaru, Kindra Kojima, Kathy Lee, Bryn Lum, Ruth Na, Elisa Wong, Erin Yee, Kristen Younger


Class of 2001 Boys

Coach: Jason Green
Warlords: Kyle DeYoung, Roger Fujita, Sean Inaba, Alan Ishihara, Allen Ishimoto, Winston Lin, Robert Nakatomi, Tomio Nixon, Anthony Robinson, Alex Shiroi, Johnny Soleto, Wil Walton, Cory Weng, Kevin Wong

Class of 2001 Girls

Coaches: Christine Hashigami, Jody Hashigami
Lady Warlords: Niko Chapman, Melissa Fong, Kimberley Kawada, Erin Matsumoto, Michelle Lee, Robyn Lee, Samantha Ogata, Pamela Ow, Jennifer Uyeda, Kristin Takeuchi, Ana Tua, Cori Wong


Class of 2002 Boys

Coaches: Rod Chong, Ray Lee, Randy Mori, Steve Sugioka
Warlords: Jeff Allen, Brandon Gin, Chris Hung, John Kuo, Mike Kuwabara, John Lai, Henry Lee, Steven Lim, Brandon Lum, Kyle Mar, Brent Mori, Yuji Nishimura, Jared Okimoto, Scott Okimura, Chris Paulsen, Matthew Shiroi, Ryan Shiroi, Scott Sugioka, Nathan Thach, Michael Yang


Class of 2002 Girls

Coach: Dave Moreno
Lady Warlords: Teri Chu, Kimberly Fong, Traci Fong, Rochelle Gandy, Kendalle Harrell, Youa Her, Denise Hiuga, Jamie Hom, Letio Jackson, Erica Kubo, Diana Langi, Nightingale Laui, Mary Lee, Valerie Lee, Erica Lucas, Moi Montoya, Sarah Satow, Sabre Shin, Jennifer Willett, Kimberly Won, Jacquelyn Won


Class of 2003 Boys

Coaches: Matt Goss, Steve Seto
Warlords: Jason Allie, Bobby Alva, Riki Efhan, Tommy Jew, Danny Kalavi, Kenny Kobashi, James Kwon, Chris Low, Lyle Magsayo, Kevin Nhan, Anthony Okumura, Sean Samson, Tim Seto, Jack Wang, Parker Washington, Chris Wong

Class of 2003 Girls

Coaches: Stacy Kawahara, Janel Morinaga
Lady Warlords: Marianne Bautista, Trisha Chinn, Jackie Iseri, Taryn Jang, Tiffany Kwong, Nicole Lam, Kimberly Louie, Christine Na, Jessica Sagum, Sheryl Wong, Kristen Yee, Lisa Young


Class of 2004 Boys

Coaches: Tommy Fanner, James Fong
Warlords: Steve Cheung, Craig Mar, Brandon Mok, Wesley Lee, Daren Satow, Brandon Tagawa, Leon Taing, Matthew Wong, Wesley Wong, Derick Yee, Randy Yuen

Class of 2004 Girls

Coaches: Jennifrer Fong, Scott Fong
Lady Warlords: Susanne Bruner, Aris Chambers, Jane Chen, Rachelle Fong, Chandra Garner, Whitney Kawate, Cindy Lau, Adrienne Lee, Dacia Taleni, Courtney Tom, Denise Tsui, Doreen Wong, Kristin Wong


Class of 2005 Boys

Coaches: Steve Hamamoto, Lance Uyeda
Warlords: Andrew Arevalo, Marcellus Brookshaw, Daniel Chapman, Kolby Goodman, Jason Hamamoto, Ryan Ishihara, Actor Keoonla, Diem Lorennij, Gerald Quisol, Michael Silvernail, Alex Uyeda, Ryan Yee


Class of 2005 Girls

Coach: John Beattie
Lady Warlords: Samantha Fong, Alexis Garduno, Kaitlin Hiuga, Nicole Iorg, Kristen Kwong, Pricilla Ng, Kimberley Seid, Kellie Uchida, Leslie Wong, Steffi Wong, Courtney Yee

Foster City Tournament 2005

Class of 2006 Boys

Coaches: Bill Harrell, Branden Harrell, Ray Lee
Warlords: Ryan Almazan, Taylor Chan, Michael Fong, Kevin Hom, Michael Iseri, Nick Iorg, Shawn Miles, Christian Nishita, Andrew Nguyen, Bryan Tom


Class of 2006 Girls

Coaches: Keith Jackson, Robyn Lee
Lady Warlords: Veronica Brookshaw, Tamiko Davis, Cecelia Dumlao, Lynn Engbritson, Taryn Fong, Lisa Franklin, Megan Fukushima, Crystal Idrogo, Erin Mah, Michelle Saterlee, Derisa Taleni, Melissa Tom, Kimmie Quan, Chanel Quisol, Jacqueline Vincent, Stephanie Yung


Class of 2007 Boys

Coaches: Cody Lee, Mike Lim, Dave Fong
Warlords: Cameron Chan, Ryan Chin, Kevin Gin, Alex Guerrero, James Matsuoka, Dan Nguyen, Amar Singh, Joe Woods, Jason Yee


Class of 2007 Girls

Coaches: Rod Aoki, Kelli Aoki, Kent Fong
Lady Warlords: Amanda Bagan, Catalina Corpuz, Jessica Dela Cruz, Kayla Fernandez, Crystal Flores, Jessica Flores, Janel Gonzalez, Brittany Lee, Jennifer Loi, Miranda Melliza, Keilani Paneda


Class of 2008 Boys

Coaches: Steve Sugioka, Scott Sugioka, Mike Fong
Warlords: Jonathan Acejas, Jason Chan, Sly Flores, Alexander Fong, Robby Jong, Alvin Jue, Kyle Yamamoto, Brandon Yee


Class of 2008 Girls

Coaches: Selina Lu, Aaron Lee
Lady Warlords: Kiyo Chambers, Janelle Kanemasu, Melody Khlok, Rochelle Murti, Kristen Tokunaga, Kaitlin Toyama, Brittney Wong, Caitlin Wong, Chelsea Woo, Sheri Yuki

Class of 2009 Boys

Coaches: Brian Fujita, Ron Nocon
Warlords: Daryl Ancheta, Sly Flores, Santino Garica, Brendan Hu, Tommy Ly, Rowi Marcos, Chris Moock, Allan Pham, Aaron Ricks


Class of 2009 Girls

Coaches: Benny Louie, Michael Louie
Lady Warlords: Ginelle Esperanza, Kayla Fernandez, Colleena Guzman, Annelisa Moody, Tara Ohrtman, Kristen Solomon, Torryn Taylor, Terren Wing, Akemi Yuki


Class of 2010 Boys

Coach: Stephen Bunch
Warlords: Patrick Arcaina, Kyle Chan, Garrett Chin, William Davis, Timothy Japlit, Kenny Johnston, Jason Lee, Michael Murakami, Michael Rosaroso, Robby Veriviano, Jeremy Yee


Class of 2010 Girls

Coach: Constantine Acejas
Lady Warlords: Kristine Alarcon, Maria Barrameda, Samantha Esperanza, Amber Lau, Nicole Lau, Anna Nguyen, Erabel Signey, Shianne Solomon, Mirann Tsumura, Stephanie Yamada


Class of 2011 Boys

Coaches: Rod Aoki, Kelli Aoki, Kent Fong
Warlords: Richard Bonifacio, Joshua Dela Cruz, Rodney Garcia, Blake Louie, James Louie, Markus Mar-Liu, Franklin Mascarinas, Corey Nakata, Matthew Robinson, Justen Quan, Bryan Yamamoto, Rahman Zia

Class of 2011 Girls

Coach: Steve Sugioka
Lady Warlords: Jasmine Chan, Sammie Chan, Dana Gayagoy, Sam Hom, Nicole Lau, Debra Lee, Karissa Rubi, Vanessa Rubi, Vanessa Shintaku, Alexis Wu

Class of 2012 Boys

Coach: Bryan Harada
Assistant Coaches: Eric Mayeda, Darrell Fong, Robyn Harada
Warlords: Artie Barron, Garrett Chinn, Jonathan Dickson, Chris Ide, Bryan Iwata, Jia Liang, Paolo Santos, Ryan Sekikawa, Royce Takeuchi, Ryan Uda, Steve Yoshizuka, Peter You


Class of 2012 Girls

Coach: Erica Signey
Lady Warlords: Andrea Barrameda, Lauren Chan, Kay Cooper, Annie Huynh, Michelle Louie, Ashley Materelli, Amiee Munar, Vanessa Santos, Elaine Signe

Class of 2013 Boys

Coaches: Tommy Fanner, James Fong, Leng Ung, Ryan Tsukiji
Warlords: David Ae’a-Kupau, Andrew Asoo, Kory Bartlett, Patrick Chen, Justin Ho, Colin Mizuki, Brandon Nubla, Michael Shimizu, Michael Tsukamoto, Michael Wong

Class of 2013 Girls

Coaches: Randy Mori, Alex Uyeda, Jen Uyeda
Lady Warlords: Sabrina Barron, Karel Cobain, Marki Fong, Mika Ishisaka, Sasha Kochinski, Monica Martin, Diana Moua, Arica Ng, Julia Ng, Kelsie Nishite, Emily Yamane


Class of 2014 Boys

Coaches: Kyle DeYoung, David Blakely
Warlords: David Cabral, Joseph Hart, David King, Shi Liang, Terence Lo, Christien Lopez, Sean Saefong, Adam Wong


Class of 2014 Girls

Coach: Russell Fong
Lady Warlords: Izzy Ampon, Joeseta Fatuesi, Jaime Fong, Katie Fong, Alyna Kanae, Kristen Lau, Jessica Lauderdale, Katie Lee, Rachel Lee, Mariya Moore, Minyon Moore, Kari Nakamura, Cassie Re, VyVy Tran, Sabrina Wu


Class of 2015 Boys

Coach: Bryan Harada
Assistant Coach: Eric Mayeda
Warlords: KJ Arai, Darian Carr, Braden Chinn, Matt Dickson, Albert Fong, Aaron Harmetz, Paul Jarukasem, Adam Mayeda, Alex Playdon, Patrick Saephan, Tanner Sasaki


Class of 2015 Girls

Coach: Dave Nubla
Lady Warlords: Haley Arakaki, Karli Cogburn, Samantha Ignacio, Kellie Lee, Kara Ly, Lauren Nubla, Rachelle Relador, Kim Schmelz, Kimi Tanaka


Class of 2016 Boys

Coaches: Selina Lu, Aaron Lee
Warlords: Scott Kumamoto, Calvin Lau, Trenton Lee, Brenton Loui, Christian (CJ) Miller, Matt Shimizu, Nick Siu, Scott Sekikawa, Adam Wong, Jerod Yee

Class of 2016 Girls

Coach: Benny Louie
Lady Warlords: Ashley Asoo, Jaeda Barbero, Giselle Cantiller, Nicci Fong, Jillian Lauderdale, Ashleigh Mayeda, Brittany Nguyen, Megan Tran, Madison Wong

Class of 2017 Boys

Coach: Stephen Bunch
Assistant Coaches: Patrick Arcaina, Jeremy Yee
Warlords: Jaylen Bunch, Ephram Coner, Luis De La Cruz, Philip Dunbar, Garrison Fong, Anthony Lopez, Johnnie Nolen, Justin Villaflor, Kyle Yuke

Class of 2017 Girls

Coach: Brian Fujita
Assistant Coach: Ross Hayashi
Lady Warlords: Kaitlynn Gabriel, Makena Haroldson, Christina Kong,  Farah Nhan, Kesi Niu, Amanda Ong, Milena Powner, Nicole Wong

Class of 2018 Boys

Coaches: Yuji Nishimura, Jared Okimoto
Warlords: Jose Arciniega, JR Castillo, Marc Wong, Sidney Ha, Nic Ng, Jonathan Wong, Spencer Tsang, Chad Wong, Corey Tanaka,  Michael Jang, Brandon Wong

Class of 2018 Girls

Coach: John Beattie
Assistant Coach: Bret Lai
Lady Warlords: Johanna Lauderdale, Syd Takeda, Miya Bray, Ana Kolokihakaufisi, Erica James, Jadyn Louie, Alayna Kanenaga, Jada James

Class of 2019 Boys

Coach: Merjo Ocampo
Warlords: Adriel Barcena, Jaztein Blackmon, Aaron Cunanan, Jonathan Ocampo, Ethan Ocampo, Jason Paulo, Anthony Rilloraza, Tyler Saelee, Clarence John Topacio, Jordan Wong, Michael Xie

Class of 2019 Girls

Coach: Dave Nubla
Assistant Coach: Brandon Nubla
Lady Warlords: Caitlin Barton, Angel Laforga, Jadori Erfe, Amanda Fong, Chelsea Shirley-Ohashi, Maliyah Almazan, Nicole Gee, Mia Otani, Lexi Hufana, Nicole Nubla

Class of 2020 Boys

Coach: Ron Nocon
Assistant Coach: Kyle Yamamoto
Warlords: Shemar Baird, Carston Billy, Matthew Ignacio, Kyle Lam, Nicholas Loui, Collin Macias, Rylan Nocon, Bryce Noguchi, Jared Saechao, Jason Trang, Felix Yang

Class of 2020 Girls

Coach: Paul Powner
Assistant Coach: Brian Fujita
Lady Warlords: Abygail Bauzon, Madisyn Doctolero, Carina Powner, Kaimana Shimosaka, Lauren Shintaku, Jessica Tai, Nicole Trach, Jolie Yee

Class of 2021 Boys

Coach: Evan Kanenaga
Assistant Coaches: Christian Evangelista, Sid Fong, Jeremy Kanenaga
Warlords: Ryan Campbell, Jayden Erfe, Leland Fong, Christian Gong, Kevin Li, Anderson Lueck, Derek Lum, Joshua Mar, Matthew Otani, Alexander Wong

Class of 2022 Boys

Coach: Bryan Harada
Assistant Coaches: Ryan Sekikawa, Alexis Wu
Warlords: Isaac Chambers, Jayden Fong, Derek Fong, Jared Fong, Zachary Fong, Joshua Juico, William Paulo, Ashton Rouse, Bryce Takaha, Conner Takeda, Kyle Wong

Class of 2022 Girls

Coach: Deborah Lee
Lady Warlords: Kylee Dalisay, Rhianna Daquis, Grace Dorr, Kennis Jasperson, Lesieli Kaihau, Myla Macias, Kamryn Mangels, Selai Niu, Keeli Tuitasi, Alyssa Yuke

Class of 2023 Boys

Coach: Justin Kanenaga, Tanner Sasaki
Assistant Coach: Alex Dunning
Warlords: Matthew Le, Colin Billy, Brandon Wong, Brennan Johnson, Jaisen Brown, Tyson Keller, Mason Fat, Khanh Nguyen, Tai Clark, Ayden Claro

Class of 2024 Boys

Coaches: Kyle DeYoung, David Blakely
Warlords: Deogracias Daquis, John Saefong, Tim Zhen, Jadon Yuke-Lin, Nate Stephens, Edwin Rebollar, Kamal Raj, Colton Hill, Jacob Carsola

Class of 2024 Girls

Coach: John Beattie
Assistant Coach: Brett Lai
Lady Warlords: Alyssa Nakagawa, Alyssa Wong, Kristi Tomlinson, Eliana Cabrera, Ellyana Estacio, Elysa Pascua, Michelle Cleofas, Piyo Shirley, Noya Hill